'Nother Volcanics gig
Well. The night started off with Town Bike. Guitar, drums + attitude. Lead singer was decked out in shorts and a 'Choose Life' t-shirt. I managed to find one video of the band on the internet. The band I saw were waaay better than the band online. Said hello to the lead singer after the gig, suggested he should up his socials game. I wasn't looking in the mirror while I said it, so that's OK. 😄

The Polite Society are a guitar driven, country-tinged rock band with singalong anthems and a great party vibe. Free stickers on the merch desk included one with the sage advice: "Don't be a cunt!"
Not entirely my sort of music, but a great band for the night and chatting with the giant of a lead singer suggests he's serious about his band's philosophy.

The Volcanics!
Does going to two shows make you a fan? The Volcanics were there to have a good time by giving a great show and really engaging with the punters. They (the punters) had started by remaining a respectful distance from the stage, giving the band room to breathe and enjoy their space, but were basically shamed by the band into coming forward to enjoy the show in close up. Two songs later a rug right in front of the stage was accused of being some barrier to the crowd not coming closer, so they duly did.
Both the band and the audience definitely seemed to enjoy the intimacy better. Eardrums, not so much.
There was even some blond old fart up the front acting like he could dance so it must've been a good show!

Bought myself the latest Volcanics LP: Volatile World. Yup, vinyl's back!