Volcanics 'Submarine' video launch

Nov. 29, 2024

Volcanics gathered a couple friends to help launch their new single/video, 'Submarine'

First gig for me at Lyric's Underground on Lyric Lane in Maylands. Car-domme hasn't heard of it so the trick is to send the vehicle to 56 Ninth Avenue Maylands and when she says 'it's on your right', turn left.

I missed Robber's Dog, the first support and half of the Sascha Ion and the Elements. Sascha - with bass and drums in support - does rock-country (not country rock). Drags feedback out of the axe like a star! Might have to look in on them again.

Sasha Ion and the Elements at Lyric's Underground

Then they turned down the lights, fired up the projector and invited everyone to take their positions to watch the new clip. Nice little production, showing the band walking as the vocalist is singing. Perth! Represent!

Watch the official Submarine video clip at youtube

Next was the gig. It was the Volcanics! These guys just love to rock and give the crowd a good time. I've got nothing in notes, so I must have just been rocking and taking pictures and enjoying myself.

Volcanics Submarine Launch

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