I - Chapter 1

Overall chapter impression:

Ahhh, it's a test - or maybe a puzzle.

Notes: (commentary and/or scribble I wrote to look at/up later)

Compoundwords - hmmm

Dactyls - icat

Kinch does not mean knife blade

A C Swinburne *

Secondleg - haha

chuck Loyola

Oh, it's not Mulligan's sorry, it's Daedalus'???


sir Peter Teazle - also horse - why lc 's'?


Moody brooding and the Fergus poem?

Turko (== Sinbad - oh, look at that)

Mabinogion / Upanishads *

Collector of prepuces was unexpected, lol as was cuckquean

Amn't - haha

Wilde - followed by gay and queer

Panama hat becomes a Mercury hat

Snapshot - haha, we're doing dad jokes now

Up the pole - very Shakespearean

The whole paragraph starting 'The proud potent titles ...'

German Jews - specific racism or an actual group?

Old man emerging from the river reminds me of something

Stuff I don't get:

I have no idea about the white corpuscles near the beginning, but they may not be important.

What is with 'dancecards'?

And, in conclusion:


Closing the chapter with that word makes as much sense as anything else at this point.

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