I - Chapter 3
Overall chapter impression:
Long, dense and difficult. I think Stephen's losing it.
Notes: (commentary and/or scribble I wrote to look at/up later)
The only way to start a chapter.
Seaspawn & wrack: flotsam & jetsam?
Oh colours. It's physics again. And Aristotle again.
That gate bit's not adiaphane, except perhaps metaphorically
And now sound. Of course. Waves
Don't close your eyes while you're walking, ppl think you're nuts
It's a foreign language book, isn't it?
Modality - a nod at the Trinity argument?
Demiurge: should've known that
They do? His boots & his legs? Who?
Now I know what a strand is
Iambs marching :-D
Sensory deprivation philosophy?
Is poetry deliberately contrary? Metrical foot? An example of missing foot, or catalexis: headlessness
Relict - coz who likes that 'widow' word?
Are the maccabe ppl real?
Aleph - need a linguist
Jeez, super-adam. I remember that story
What the heck is wrong with people that think bellybuttons are a blemish?
Orient as an adjective?
No, you were begotten.
Why the caps? Claims of godhood?
Euthanasia? Murder, more like. Also gross. Also Jesus and Mo mentioned biblical hinderparts recently. Yes that's what He really said.
What's with the horses? Mananaan
Sally/Sara? Uncle Si? Harry? who are these people?
Marsh's LIbrary
Johnathon Swift *
More horses - houyhnhnm - Buck?
... fat of kidneys of wheat
Oh, fubsy widow is ok?
Isle of - I love?? Not likely
Not very experienced, lol (tram rants)
Books with letters for titles?
Ok, we didn't go to nuncle Ritchie's
Latin quarter hat
Civet: stew, cat? - No, but yuck
Boulevard St Michel
Columbanus: fiery? Because of picking fights?
Fiacre again, and Scotus, now - metaphysics?
Hello self-contempt, my old friend
A priest left home, a cynic returned. Also anti story '... went out to seek his fortune, but gave up and came home'
Porter threepence - lol Africa
He kept his pr0n (it's not even that sort) - "curiosity", sure
Pus of flan bréton, I assume is custard, but can only find far bréton
Arthur Griffith, A E Pimander, Edouard Drumont, Maud Gonne*
Felix Faure - we like morbid titillation, don't we
Let my brother??? - and what's with receptionist-cum-(happy ending-)masseuse?
Male nakedness - but we use street words for female nakedness (eg: paps)
Also, where is Upsala? Uppsala?, but that's in Sweden, not Paris.
Noon slumbers -> Lascivious people. That is a tricky passage.
Day boys hat
Richard Burke - Ricard, really in Clerkenwell prison explosion
Melon held against his face - cream fruit ??? There's something dirty going on here, but I'm not sure what
What red Egyptians?
Strolling mort is not walking death
Bing awast - eff off
Buss herline - how to parse? 'Kiss' her (fuck as drunk thieves say), for o, my thieves' moll. Now that's beyond me. Next para or three as well
Brother porcupine?
Hamlet hat
Bride bed, child bed, but not death bed?
Mouth kiss: just word self-assurance?
Is he in the post office?
Shadows, endless? because there's other light, and stuff gets in the way.
Shovel hat
What is that word known to all men? Mum?
Who the hell is Cranly, and are we cross dressing now?
In long lassoes from the cock. Did you really just say that? And capital 'c'! hu? Oh, urine, not what I thought
Also, Dr Seuss read Joyce
St Ambrose - when in Rome...
Titbit inside the trouser fly :-D
Barnacle goose - spontaneous life??? What were they on until 150-odd years ago?
Mildest of all deaths - how do we know? Or is that the point of the nonsense.
Cockle hat
Stuff I don't get:
Three paragraphs were particularly challenging:
- 'Dringdring' - with the simultaneous up down goings on.
- 'Shotgun, shake-a-shake'. Just what?
- 'Head centre got away - authentic'.
Who is Kevin Egan and more importantly why is Stephen imaging him?
What's with all the hats?
And, in conclusion:
Should I have spent half an hour on characters of an entirely ephemeral nature (Sally, Sarah, Uncle Si)? Stephen seems to be quite juvenile.
And so ends Part I.