II - Chapter 7
Overall chapter impression:
Once again, what just happened, and why do we have chapterheadings all of a sudden?
Notes: (commentary and/or scribble I wrote to look at/up later)
In The Heart Of The Hibernian Metropolis:
why not 'Dublin', but apart from that, ok
The Wearer Of The Crown
in Oz, we'd call British 'overseas'. Is this just landscape description? Is it a UK thing or is that only (not northerrn) Ireland?
Gentlemen Of The Press
Grossbooted draymen are draymen with gross boots. Seuss, anyone?
Meanwhile Bloom's got his key for the ad. Is there any connection to dedalus' and keys and Mulligan from so long ago (or a bit earlier this morning)?
William Brayden, Esquire, Of Oaklands, Sandymount
Statelily - lol, I'm not the only one. I *guess* Mario looks a bit like Jesus.
In Martha. Ha ha. I don't think it's spelled 'co-ome'.
The Crozier And The Pen
I don't understand the title - or the joke.
Gravely, but not humorously this time?
With Unfeigned Regret It Is We Announce The Dissolution Of A Most Respected Dublin Burgess
'pegging'??? Nahh, probably not.
Hynes from Ch. 1 is there.
Machineries? Fermenting?
How A Great Daily Organ Is Turned Out
eye roll @ title.
Bloom is into skinny bald guys?
Jennets: how does a commercially successful horse breed go extinct in a few hundred years? But Joyce probably means donkey.
Payday at the newspapers?
Councillor running the paper???
We See The Canvasser At Work
that almost made sense on first(-ish) read!
House Of Key(e)s
political stuff in the UK is weird.
What is with the whole voglio thing.
Didn't he just get the design?
he thinks in spelling too. And cemetery is there coz of the e's, but I get it.
The hat from the grave chapter. So. Many. Hats.
Noted Churchman An Occasional Contributor
Do we know what the archbishop letter is about?
A Dayfather
Monks is one, whatever one is.
And It Was The Feast Of The Passover
I nac kaeps sdrawkcab.
Elohenu looks like it shares roots with Allah.
It shouldn't be 'exodus" coz they were going IN to their own lands.
Bugger being a Jew.
I don't get the things, except the lamb, and I probably should.
Only Once More That Soap
why 'only' in the title?
Dodgy bros. goings on with the perfume. Tsk.
Also, given the day and age wouldn't/shouldn't he know?
Omg, 4-digit phone numbers
Erin, Green Gem Of The Silver Sea
Biscuitfully. (later) Oh, just filled with biscuit.
Who's the ghost (Bloom?) and why?
How do you get heartburn on your arse? I don't see a meaning that means graze or scrape or 'general injury'.
Dedalus' humour escapes me (is the change from river to sea?) as does the context for his historical references.
Bloom is being spiteful.
What does Cicero have to do with Ireland? It had barely been invented in his day.
Why are all these people just hanging around in a newspaper office?
Short But To The Point
half the 'chapter' spent on pleasantries (deliberately?) leaving questions unanswered. Chapter is short but it's not to the point, lol. Also, Bloom: ouch, but managed immediately after to nove nimbly. Kudos.
Lambert still reading (1 question answered). What does 'looking extra' mean? And who said it? Bloom still being spiteful. Have to look up the Glasnevin brain statue (it's not Luke Kelly!) when I have a moment, but it's clickbait so it can wait. Newspapers haven't changed. Hot today is still cold tomorrow. Did baldfaced used to be baldheaded? Go Lambert! OIC, Dawson is a drunkard. Bosky grove? How brillig! But Bloom the ad man should be impressed with the imagery, it's sickly sweet, but it's very good at being sickly sweet! 😄
His Native Doric
professor Machugh points or that Alex is missing something.
<s>What</s> why is welshcombed?
The title makes no sense to me, but I have had a decent refresher course in classical column architecture.
Silk hat - that's a new one.
What Wetherup Said
Here's Dawson (finally).
What is a bakery line - does it mean he worked there? (Later - ahh, line of business, maybe)
'... with the motor'! :laughing:
So who's Wetherup?
Why do I think the editor is a rooster?
Mass is Sunday and first thing in the morning - what is he talking about?
Also, I wondered what they were all doing in there, seems they weren't entirely welcome.
Hey! Where did the internal narration go?
Memorable Battles Recalled
begad 😀
Irish and Spanish fighting in US? What?
Does jigs mean Alzheimer's? Or alcoholic incapacity?
Metric feet are back!
O, Harp Eolian!
why is he phoning the ad? Aren't we at the newspapers already?
He calls the wrong number - it should be #2844
Spot The Winner
Sports tissues. The sheets that make up the sports section?
feetstoops 😄. I have a theory that an individual sheep was originally called a 'shoop'.
Stoop again.
Sounds like Bloom got the right number.
A Collision Ensues
'... of the anno', not anno Domini.
Joyce wrote The Boys of Wexford (Robert Dwyer Joyce).
Also, hi Frank, did you read this book (or poem) while you were in Wessex :laughing:
Exit Bloom
is the title an entendre?
Oh, Bloom's phoned Keyes.
Why indecisively? Waiting for approval?
'Show'; is that a continuation of the accumulation sentence?
A Street Cortège
whose funeral?
'rib risible' seems to be a puzzle to Joyce sleuths. Netters (reddit, 4chan etc) have a 'sides going into orbit' phrase which seems similar in context - maybe.
'Where are the other two gone?' They invited you, silly.
Myles goes for his hat of unknown type.
The Calumet Of Peace
Ha! It's straw! 😄
The Grandeur That Was Rome
Empire; arrogant; crucial.
Vile? Clean methinks.
Swinging back to religion courtesy of MacHugh.
chief baron Palles??
Why has Stephen *turned*? Is this an England/Ireland thing?
Bullockbefriending is not a word known to my phone.
Why do I get a sense that he's also referring to Mulligan? Or has dedalus' translated into the puerile version of the comment's inference
I notice the chain of thought stuff is back.
Shindy In Wellknown Restaurant
Hang on, you've already told him it was Deasey.
'... know her as well'. In the biblical sense? If not why no joke about it? You missed an op, Joyce!
Is the fact that the headline relates to an 'aside' moment a point that he's trying to make?
Oho is not a perfect cretic.
Did/do 'religious' men really think like this? No wonder the gender wars.
Grass widower - why? Or is *racetrack widower* a better term? (later - no, that would be racetrack widow)
Was that a discussion on the start of the great war?
I think wild geese meant something else before the movie came out
A Hungarian? I should probably look that up.
Lost Causes Noble Marquess Mentioned
But that's American, not English. *Stiff upper lip* is the acme of UK mentality
Bob's your uncle.
I have no idea about the sofa - neither does the internet, it seems.
Kyrie Eleison!
Gawd, somebody is a greco-fanboy
I'd call Latin the language of the mind - but I'd probably be wrong.
Romans will never be lords of our spirit. Ummm, no?
But isn't Sparta Greek? The professor is conflating Athens with Greece. Or is Athens 'the true Greece' or suchlike?
So the Greeks were loyal to a lost cause, but that is good. The UK/Irish are loyal to list causes, but it's bad?
How is the death of Pyrrhus not the most famous bit?
Also, he would likely have lost either way, not because of the brick, but because of the elephants. Coz I'm now an expert on Pyrrhus.
Lenehan’s Limerick
I can't see it either, but in my case it's ignorance.
Reriddled 😁
Strong weakness.
More history Finland = Ireland, Russia = England
I remember the communards. and The Communards
What time is it? The Bobrikoff incident literally only just happened. Oh, maybe timezones
Omnium Gatherum
Stephen's being funny! Good on you.
Where is this list of talents? And why is the turf one of them?
'Gentle art'
Inferring he wouldn't have caught a cold if the gate was closed? Should I have any ideas why he said that? Is it another of his jokes?
“You Can Do It!”
Lexicon of youth is something I've heard of somewhere ... or am I just thinking of ABC?
Is Stephen thinking his thoughts or what he thinks the editors thoughts are?
Nothing to do with bulldozers.
The press gang. Are we starting a navy? (Later) Or is it just a bunch of newspaperpeople?
The Great Gallaher
Shaughraun ~ walkabout? Not the play?
Reporting on snooker games?
Ok we don't care about Gumley and Holohan. We seem to care about Skin-the-goat (Fitzharris?)
But what is 'hop and carry one'?
A Distant Voice
I guess the title refers to the tele phone call.
What 'B'? Bransome's (the coffee ad from last chapter?)
What 'T'?. I'm lost
Cock and dicky within a sentence. *Some* familiar territory, at least
F to P.? This bit will need lots of research, methinks. Puzzles within puzzles.
Clever, Very
I hope they were clever enough to work it out! I'm not.
A shape of air
Madam, in Eden, I'm Adam. Yeah, yeah. A man, a plan, a canal - Panama!
Are we referencing Adam and Napolean in a roundabout (or backwards) way?
Hook and eye department? They make curtains? Links, not real stories?? (Later: JJ O'Molloy and his 3rd profession)
Narration self-censorship?
Rhymes And Reasons
The first part of a word - not its end - determines relationships to other words. Is tris like a doctrine of signatures thing?
Chapter should be called colours - where's winedark?
I didn't translate the Italian.
Sufficient For The Day...
The third profession: piracy?
Chanel, Dior, Lagerfield, names, darling, names.
Links With Bygone Days Of Yore
I'm probably going to have to look up 1763.
Also, all these people too. I expect they're all journos, lawyers and/or pollies. (Not clergy like the first couple chapters).
Seymour Bushe? My eyes cannot roll back any further.
'Period' is not a term I recognise in context.
I am getting a sense that Hamlet needs to go on my re-reading list. I have a feeling this may explain Stephen's musing about finding out stuff while dying in one's sleep and the beast with two backs (also proving that Shakespeare was as depraved as Joyce?)
Italia, Magistra Artium
An eye for an eye. Roman hmmm, technically christian.
How does one cite a statue?
''... that small act, trivial in itself' - this sentence is oddly familiar - but from a long time ago.
But what is he talking about? This story ends today. Also, who are both? Dedalus', obvs, but Bloom? Messenger?
Isn't Lenehan the lighter of cigarettes?
A Polished Period
Title: there's that phrase again.
OIC how one cites a statue.
And now I'm learning about sculpture.
How to parse: His slim hand with a wave graced echo and fall? Should fall be fell?
'... his blood wooed by grace of language and gesture'. Love the phrase, but i think inflamed by smugness suits better than wooed by grace. They're picking on him.
How can anyone see through all the smoke?
A Man Of High Morale
Not morals?
Rumour has it? About membership of a public body? In a newspaper office?
Myles doesn't care much for Fitzgibbon.
Contumely is a noun.
Ferial : of or relating to iron? Nope, festivals. Or the opposite - a week of no festival in the RC calendar - which makes no sense but shouldn't be a problem for Joyce
Witless shellfish swam in the gross lenses???
Pouring was correct - you can tell inside of four words!
There's Moses again.
... try your hand at it. I see what you did there. 😄
From The Fathers
And I know I was wrong when I said it was true that it couldn't be me and be her in between without you
Stonehorned makes sense this time around.
... come down with the light of inspiration - nice segue from divine afflatus back in polished period
(much later) Nile? We're about to learn about Nelson, who apparently debuted as 'Defender of the Harp and Crown' following the Battle of the Nile.
Ominous—For Him!
Not what expectorated means, though I expectorate he knows that.
And with a great future behind him 😁
Apparently a plausible origin of the movie title.
Like a clarion over the sussuration of slush. **I've got money!**
I'm not sure if Lenehan is funny or not
Let Us Hope
So the (Celtic) British are Trojans? Did not know that.
Fellaheen - nice circularity
'I have much to learn'. Perhaps if you spent more time in the city and less in Europe?
Dear Dirty Dublin
There were never 16 vestal virgins.
Elderly isn't what it used to be.
Akasic again. Did we just learn that word?
Does/did Ireland not have ha'pennies, pennies & tuppence?
Hang on. Wise virgins: is that the the bible story and the foolish virgins didn't take lamp oil or something?
Or is it the nativity joke?
Life On The Raw
If I have to work out how many coins were left to throw in the wishing well (or whatever) ...
That is a lot of plums for two elderly ladies.
aureoling! He just can't help himself. :-D
Return Of Bloom
How many newspapers can exist in one city?
It appears to only be a brief return.
Interview With The Editor -> K.M.R.I.A.
So Bloom didn't get his ad?
Dedalus' boots are now a running gag? (unintended groan comment)
Raising The Wind
Crawford has no money.
Some Column!—That’S What Waddler One Said
OK, so it's an off-colour story (with bite in it?)
How many churches ... oh wait, a catholic town. They would be everywhere.
Those Slightly Rambunctious Females
I wonder if mum ever read Ulysses. She loved that word.
Defend the harp and the crown, bring down two countries' navies in one battle, die defending your country and what do they remember? Your disability and peccadilloes.
Dames Donate Dublin’s Cits Speedpills Velocitous Aeroliths, Belief
Should Cits be City?
Crawford is a fan of the pillar!
I get the rest but there's too much info to condense for right now.
Stuff I don't get:
Most of the above. :-D
And, in conclusion:
The story (at surface level) is mostly making sense now. I'm still giggling every couple paras or so as I realise I haven't a clue about what it was I've just read.